Sunday, March 30, 2008

My daughter got really mad at me today. She wanted to know how to talk like a squirrel. I said a 'girl'?.. NOOO MOMMY!!!! A SQUIRREL? I want to talk to a squirrel. "well honey, I guess you just squeak' *squeaking* oh!!!!
This week Joel learned how to put his palms together near his face and make a farting sound. He is so proud of himself he has shown everyone. He is also becoming quite a hit when all the kids are together. I admit; it is a 'little' funny !

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Cy was sooooo nervous about passing the wine. It was so cute! Before it started he said- "mommy, what happens to someone if they accidently spill the wine? will they go to jail?"